Sabado, Oktubre 5, 2013

These Heroes Exists

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          Each of us has someone who they admire the most. Some considers their folks, their associates a modern day hero. Some also consider news anchors, politicians, policemans, athletes, singers, doctors or maybe a street vendor. And if you'd ask me, I dont admire someone on particular.  

          Well I admire people who I don't discern at all.  People I don't identify what their initials are. People who simply gives food to the hungry. People who gives water to the thirsty. People who helps inopportune children on such roads. People who provides programs for these people. And people who supports these kind of programs. People who aren't even have a supremacy in this motherland. But in that very simple act of benevolence, They have helped a bunch of populace. Yeah this hero exists.

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